Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sand, slow filtration of water and its uses

The best thing about the use of slow water sand filtration, biological processes that it uses non-pressure systems for the production of clean water and tasty. There are no chemicals and no electricity used in the process, it is very green. In addition, they must be designed so simple that it can be done as a do-it-yourself project, requiring only a little 'training for operation and maintenance once they are installed. Slow sand filters have been usedsuccess in countries such as in remote areas of Afghanistan, where the water is deep. This may be the easiest, least expensive and most effective water treatment for many poor regions of the world.

Slow sand filters are usually used to purify the water surface. They need a large space to operate in. These are small rectangular or cylindrical filters is usually 1 to 2 feet and work very slowly in order to work their magic for biological processes.They provide a constant flow of clean water in the tank for when you need saved. Although these filters are used primarily in developing countries, which are sometimes found in regions of the world as a very modern London. Large systems serving more people can have as many as 12 beds of sand system operating at the same time.

Water Filter

Each bed is covered in a series of drains in a herringbone pattern with layers of gravel and coarse gravel. Layers of sand are placed on the bases and then the restthe room is full of fine sand. In fact, most of the sand filter sand. The bed is then filled with a layer of raw, unfiltered water.

Within the first 10 days of operation, a gelatinous layer forms in fine sand. This layer consists of protozoa, fungi, rotifers, bacteria, and did other aquatic insect larvae. Since the level is even older, generates more algae and larger organisms such as snails and worms. And 'this layer,Filters clean the water and makes it safe to drink. The process of effectively reducing bacteria in the water for up to 90 to 99%.

When the layer of filter is too full of pollutants, must be revised in order to maintain a steady stream of running water. In some cases, the gel layer is completely removed and then brought more water, so that the layer begins to form again. This requires a significant amount of time is staggering Wet else, the fastestrequires lowering the water level until just above the gel layer, and then stir. This process causes impurities to float in water, where they are washed away before the water is added again.

In the U.S., slow sand filters are not in the extent to which they were used in the past. Mostly this is due to the fact that they are enough to operate on the ground and to expand the city can not spend all that land and water filtration needs. Slow sandThe filtering is still one of the most effective ways to earth for water purification.

Sand, slow filtration of water and its uses

camp cooking sets

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