Monday, September 19, 2011

What's better, filtered or boiled?

What's better, filtered or boiled?

Water Filter

Are you afraid of diseases, chemicals and germs in your water (H20)? Do you need a quick way to get access to fresh water and clean, with less hassle and cost? Which technique is better to clean up dirty water? There are many ways to clean the dirty water or unfiltered. But the most important ways to clean contaminated water by boiling water or a water filtration water filter. So what's the best?

When a liquid is boiled in a pot or container until under a heat source untilBubbles or boiling. H2O to be boiled for drinking must boil for at least two minutes. This is because to kill all bacteria and germs, you need water for at least two minutes to stop cooking the bacteria survived. Nothing less than viruses and bacteria can not survive in these conditions.

Filtered water if the water through a filter that blocks or filters out viruses and debris is directed into the water filtered. Filtered water is usuallydone with the water filter includes a mechanism is usually charcoal, fine sand and special filtration materials. The final product liquid is a liquid that is filtered clean.

So, what's better?

In terms of taste, boiling water is usually better. This is because when you get the water filtered in a filter for the water leaves the filter with a light taste coal. In some cases, the filter produces an aftertaste other, the drink is not very pleasant at all. WithH2O hot, do not get that after taste at all and he knows ordinary H2O.

In terms of comfort, filtered water is much better. With boiling water, you need a fire or stove to heat water. You also need a pot large enough to reduce the amount of clean water. With filtered water, simply move the water through a filtered water system, which virtually takes only seconds. You do not need heat or a vase for fresh water, so it's much more comfortable andfast!

In relation to health, both techniques are basically the same. Both eliminate certain chemicals, sediment, bacteria and viruses from the liquid. But if you use a combination of both techniques, then drink the liquid will contain less harmful chemicals, bacteria and viruses. So it is best to use both!

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