Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Water pH - alkaline water

Water pH - alkaline water

Water Filter

Pure, pure, alkaline water has become a concern that it is estimated that 50 percent of us now drink bottled water. In fact, we now pay more for their petrol us. But watch out, run the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) found a four-year study of 103 brands of bottled water and one third of these brands of synthetic chemicals and biological contain bacteria, so they are not safe for human consumption. The Council reported that a brand associated with "springWater, "actually came from an industrial park near a hazardous waste landfill.

In 2001 alone, reports the Environmental Protection Agency 82 000 violations of drinking water standards that are more than 78 million Americans. Do not assume that if your home is the tap water tastes and smells OK, it seems, is safe. Many of the most dangerous pollutants can not be perceived with the senses. Dr. Joseph Price, author of "coronary arteries, cholesterol, and chlorine," believes thatstrong correlation between the chlorine in our water supply in 1904 and introduced our current epidemic of cardiovascular disease, cancer and senility. "The basic cause of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and most forms of stroke has ... chlorine in treated water." Writes.

Now, where do you find a good, healthy, clean, alkaline water. Probably to your surprise, you can get a good quality of water that goes right to sink their distillation or reverse osmosis (purified) filtering.

Distillationis the evaporation and condensation of water. Distilled water is close to rain water that do not pollute our atmosphere in such a case, are the ideal source of water. Reverse osmosis is a method of multi-filter, the water of toxic chemicals and cleans mineral deposits.

Both processes make the water neutral, and can therefore be made alkaline to reduce necessary with the addition of pH. When added to drinking water using pure and neutral, and added, so that the flow of blood, the pHDroplets act as a catalyst of oxygen alkalizing, neutralizing, oxygenating and pH balance of the body. Pure alkaline water.

Whichever method you choose, buy distilled water, distilled water alone, reverse osmosis filter, drop, just stock your fridge or pantry with good water. And drink pure alkaline water! Drink between meals is particularly important. You can raise fresh lemon or lime juice to squeeze in your drinking water for its alkalizing effect. Do not forget to addsuper greens, for absolutely energizing spark to the day. This is a great way to start the day - hydrated, energized and focused.

A lot of alkaline water is the key to health in general, along with quality supplements that your body can absorb. After all, the water of 70% of the body and blood even 94%. Discover where to find the pure, healthy, alkaline water. Click on the link below.

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