Showing posts with label BeeHemp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BeeHemp. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Arnie Gundersen: Why the NRC Sucks p1/2

Arnie Gundersen: Why the NRC Sucks p1/2 Video Clips.

Fukushima and Its Impact Upon the Westinghouse-Toshiba Designed AP1000 Atomic Power Plant Fairewinds was retained by the AP1000 Oversight Group to evaluate the AP1000 design for flaws that are now evident as a result of the nuclear accidents at Fukushima. The NRC's refusal to thoroughly examine these flaws is reminiscent of the Atomic Energy Commission's refusal in 1972 to thoroughly examine the innate flaws in the GE Mark 1 containment systems that failed at Fukushima. The AP1000 Oversight Group is demanding that these design flaws be remedied prior to design certification, lest history repeat itself. okay, we have here in europe all together readed the comixs from them and so all knows ,over what i was talking when i write schlumpf schlumpf.... so i don't know how good schlümpfe are known in the states, but when they are known enough, lets starting to schlumpf around... UNITED STATES UPDATE ON RADIATION HIGH RADS WA CA AZ TX CO ID IA MN NB IN PA TN *Note: Single radiation dose of 2000 millisieverts (200000 millirems) and above causes serious illness. See also exposure list below. Half-life of some radioactive elements [NOTE: Half-life is the time taken for a radioactive substance to decay by half.] * Cesium-134 ~ 2 years * Cesium-137 ~ 30 years * Iodine-131 ~ 8 days * Plutonium-239 ~ 24200 years * Ruthenium-103 ~ 39 days [Ruthenium is a fission product of uranium-235.] * Ruthenium-106 ~ 374 days * Strontium-90 ~ 28.85 years [Strontium-90 ...

Tags: Arnie, Gundersen:, Why, the, NRC, Sucks, p1/2

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